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Greens believe in grassroots democracy, social justice, sustainable economics, ecological wisdom and non-violence.
(Marnie is drafting new text. Will post asap. Here are some ideas)
Join our Green Party.
Green solutions (or Green New Deal) are the best solutions to the grave problems our world faces. 
-Institute a single-payer “Medicare for all” healthcare system
-Enact a revenue-neutral carbon tax, with all revenues returned to taxpayers as payroll tax cuts
Our Green solutions (or Green New Deal) will lead the United States into an era of ecological and economic sustainability. 
-Institute free public higher education
-Enact a federal living wage, indexed to inflation, and repeal the anti-union Taft-Hartley Act
Our Green solutions (or Green New Deal) will make the United States a true global leader in non-violence, grassroots democracy, social justice and economic justice.
-Re-regulate the financial sector and enact a Tobin tax of 0.25% on all cross-border financial transactions
-Cut military spending by at least 50% and invest the dividend into public works programs to:
Greens don't settle for less.  We relentlessly campaign for the health of people, places and the planet.
-give America a world-class public transportation system
-retrofit 10 million homes with energy-conserving insulation
Everyone deserves quality health care.  That's why we support a single-payer “Medicare for all” healthcare system.  Democrats and Republicans don't.
-power America with 50% renewable energy by 2020, 100% by 2030
-Legalize, regulate, and tax marijuana
To stem the impact of climate change, we must pass a revenue-neutral carbon tax, with all revenues returned to taxpayers as payroll tax cuts. Let's power America with 50% renewable energy by 2020, 100% by 2030
Greens believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn.  That's why we support free public higher education.
We must enact a federal living wage, indexed to inflation, and repeal the anti-union Taft-Hartley Act.
Let's stop corporate welfare to Wall Street.  We can re-regulate the financial sector and enact a Tobin tax of 0.25% on all cross-border financial transactions
Create a peaceful, profitable Green economy.  Let's cut military spending by at least 50% and invest the dividend into public works programs to give America a world-class public transportation system and retrofit 10 million homes with energy-conserving insulation.
Take the first step in ending the violent war against drugs.  Legalize, regulate, and tax marijuana

Revision as of 23:56, 29 March 2010


Join our Green Party.

Green solutions (or Green New Deal) are the best solutions to the grave problems our world faces.

Our Green solutions (or Green New Deal) will lead the United States into an era of ecological and economic sustainability.

Our Green solutions (or Green New Deal) will make the United States a true global leader in non-violence, grassroots democracy, social justice and economic justice.

Greens don't settle for less. We relentlessly campaign for the health of people, places and the planet.

Everyone deserves quality health care. That's why we support a single-payer “Medicare for all” healthcare system. Democrats and Republicans don't.

To stem the impact of climate change, we must pass a revenue-neutral carbon tax, with all revenues returned to taxpayers as payroll tax cuts. Let's power America with 50% renewable energy by 2020, 100% by 2030

Greens believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn. That's why we support free public higher education.


We must enact a federal living wage, indexed to inflation, and repeal the anti-union Taft-Hartley Act.

Let's stop corporate welfare to Wall Street. We can re-regulate the financial sector and enact a Tobin tax of 0.25% on all cross-border financial transactions

Create a peaceful, profitable Green economy. Let's cut military spending by at least 50% and invest the dividend into public works programs to give America a world-class public transportation system and retrofit 10 million homes with energy-conserving insulation.

Take the first step in ending the violent war against drugs. Legalize, regulate, and tax marijuana